We see a World of natural beauty where every child is born into a domain with clean air, pure water and their very own garden growing fresh foods in a splendid paradise! We all play a part in nurturing this Vision together as we make conscious choices that honor ourselves, the planet and each other.
Whole Earth Day - ‘Dachnik’ Day
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The sweet, rising tradition of Whole Earth Day or ‘Dachnik’ Day Whole Earth Day began with the beloved Dachniks described by Vladimir Megre in his books from the series...
Water is Life ~ a Flow of Community Conversations & Benefit for the Verde River Headwaters
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come together ~ for a community conversation on Wednesday, January 24 at 10:00 am At ChocolaTree Organic Eatery, 1595 AZ-89A AZ 86336 Complementary: Mother Earth Restoration Trust Coffee from the Heart...
Custom Dessert Order
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ChocolaTree accepts custom dessert & sweet orders! Meet Maia, the heart behind our restaurant’s dessert specials and custom dessert orders. Maia's journey into the world of vegan desserts began in 2011,...
Spirulina - Its a SUPERFOOD?
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This Amazing Fresh Water Green Algae is One of Natures Most Powerful Detoxification Superfoods! A complete Wholefood Source, Providing a Full Spectrum of Amino Acids, Vitamins, Minerals and Omega Three...
In Support of the Verde Hidden Land Recovery
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Thank you to all for supporting this benefit buffet and raffle for The Mother Earth Restoration Trust and in Support of the Verde Hidden Land Recovery!
Mother Earth Restoration Trust Coffee ~ Roasting
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Now a Word From our Roaster: "This precious seed had first arrival in the states in April/May of 2016. The current harvest was sorted several times and graded to a...
Gardens for Humanity and stewards of Our sacred Mother Earth
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As you know, we consider ourselves stewards at ChocolaTree. With the sacred responsibility to uphold our vision. We see a world of natural beauty where every child is born into...
Live Screening "Earth Mothers Cry"
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The Earth Mothers Cry is a message from The Earth Mother Herself. She is Calling Us Home ~ "Remember Me"
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Host Ceremonial Alchemist, Illup Gravengaard, will be sharing a very special ceremony on this longest of days to remind us of our own effulgence of light we each contain. Illup...
Returning to the Garden of Mother Nature ~ HERBAL ALCHEMY CLASS SERIES
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Saturday May 23rd 10am ~ Medicinal Plant Walk around a special area under Thunder Mt. We will get into uses, but also do some plant communication techniques as well as...
Cardamom Rose Mocha by Anima Mundi Herbals
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What a magical combination, cacao, and roses, we offer this in one of our magical chocolate bars but here is a recipe too yummy not to share thanks to one...
Blessings to our Vendors of ChocolaTree Markeplace
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Grateful to all the local craftsmen who continue to do their Dharma and care for their individual unique craft on such a deep and intimate level. Thank you for your...
5 Things That Happen When You Eat Pure, Raw Chocolate
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(article shared by makeitgrateful.com) We probably don’t have to tell you what happens to your taste buds when you eat a piece of really good chocolate — but you may...
Sivananda Yoga & the Divine Grace Ashram
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Yoga offered by the Divine Grace Ashram We are grateful and honored to share the blessings of Swami Sankarananda and the Divine Grace Ashram - now an integral part of ChocolaTree's grander...
Maca Powder - Now Available at ChocolaTree
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Maca root powder now available for purchase at Chocolatree! Maca is an excellent source of protein, fiber and several vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, copper and iron. It also contains over...
Love You Dear Cacao, Nectar of the Gods
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Ever wondered why people exchange chocolate on romantic occasions? Like Valentines Day for example? Long before "Willie Wonka" came around, it was known among the ancient Maya as the...
Blessings to Departed Artist & Friend Cher Lyn
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We have had the honor at ChocolaTree Organic Oasis of offering beloved Cher Lyn’s Mystic Art for many years now. Two weeks ago our Beloved Soul Sister, Cher left the earth...
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AVOIDING HALLOWEEN'S DARK SIDE: TOXIC CANDY Shared from lankanto.com If you’re a kid, Halloween is about one thing: candy. Parents have legitimate concerns around this spooky night out: safety on the streets,...
Unity and the Power of Love
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ESSAY ONENESS Unity and the Power of Love Unity holds the essential vision that we are one living, interconnected ecosystem—a living Earth that supports and nourishes all of its inhabitants. If...
The Holy Grail of Restoration
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ARTICLE REVERSING DESERTIFICATION The Holy Grail of Restoration Dust has blown over the Sinai’s denuded landscape for so long that it is hard to imagine it as the biblical “Land of...
Hemp Fibers Revolutionize the Building Industry
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Let’s face it… the materials we currently use for building and manufacturing won’t be around forever. Our continued demand for oil, concrete and paper will require us to find alternative...
The Hemp Seeds Conspiracy – Shining A Light on Hypocrisy
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The Hemp Seeds Conspiracy – Shining A Light on Hypocrisy Believe it or not, industrial hemp seeds – a non-toxic, non-hallucinogen, are ILLEGAL to transport across state lines. Why? Because it might...
Magical Coconut Oil for Pets!
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Magical Coconut Oil for Pets! Article Shared by Alice's Kitchen, Did you know, coconut oil has been shown to be safe for our four-legged friends? Coconut oil also has a...
CACAO By Jonathon Miller Weisberger
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CACAO - The World Tree and Her Planetary Mission By Jonathon Miller Weisberger How can a relatively inconspicuous understory treelet be so pregnant with wholesome goodness, so full of virtues, and...
Pau D’arco Tea — Fights Candida, Cancer & Inflammation
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NOW OFFERING! NEW! Pau D’arco AVAILABLE at ChocolaTree Pau d’arco is native to South America, where it has been used to treat a wide range of conditions. There are reports of...
Veritable Vegetable Wins 2019 Top Green Provider
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Veritable Vegetable Wins 2019 Top Green Provider from Food Logistics Veritable Vegetable was awarded Top Green Provider by Food Logistics magazine. The annual Top Green Providers list showcases companies that...
100% Gluten & Soy-Free Restaurant / Chocolatier in Sedona, AZ
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This Sedona organic restaurant is above and beyond anything you have ever experienced. It’s much more than just a restaurant. This is a life changing experience that you cannot miss...
Morgan Freeman Transforms Ranch into a Honeybee Sanctuary
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In a valiant effort to give bees a chance, Morgan Freeman takes up beekeeping and offers them a safe haven. Morgan Freeman Transforms 124-Acre Ranch into a Honeybee Sanctuary “There is...
Globe Traveleruse.com Article: Seeking Serenity
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Reconnect with nature in picturesque and peaceful Sedona By Sheryl Nance-Nash
Improve Digestion with Ayurveda
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Gut health is a hot “buzz word” these days. However, what is now at the forefront of modern day scientific research, has actually been discussed in ancient Ayurvedic texts for...
David Warr Leaving Chocolatree
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Spring is here! With that we embrace, new beginnings, new seeds being planted, new growth all around us in all its wondrous forms! We have already begun our planting here...
Joy of Chocolate Making with Chocolatier Jeffrey Botticelli
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Hello, my name is Jeffrey Botticelli, and I have been a craft chocolatier since 2007. I began making chocolate in San Diego, then moved my work to Sedona at Chocolatree...
CBD vs. THC: What Are the Differences? Which Is Better for You?
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CBD vs. THC: What Are the Differences? Which Is Better for You? The Main Difference Between CBD and THC CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) are both compounds that come from...
A Quick-Start 24-Hour Liver Cleanse by Dr Axe
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A Quick-Start 24-Hour Liver Cleanse by Dr Axe In addition to the healthy foods and supplements you might be taking, you can give your liver a boost by starting with a quick,...
The Washington Post -- Sedona & Chocolatree by Alex Pulaski
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The striking red-rock formations near Sedona, Ariz., were shaped by millions of years of sediment deposits and erosion. The rocks owe their red hues to a thin coating of iron...
Is Coffee Good For You? Vlog by Gabriel Cousins MD
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Now exclusively available at Chocolatree Organic Oasis, we offer the exact type of coffee described in this video BY GABRIEL COUSINS MD. Mother Earth Restoration Coffee is an exquisite coffee, with benefits...
Pollen Arts 100% Organic Beeswax Candles
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Now Available, Pollen Arts Candles! These beautiful handcrafted, organic candles, are locally crafted in Flagstaff, AZ by good friends of ChocolaTree. Their Story: While sifting out sea glass and playing with...
Uttati Aromatherapy by Gabrielle Young Now Available!
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Beautiful Uttati Aromatherapy now available at ChocolaTree! Why is Uttati Aromatherapy Unique? Recognized internationally for refined frequencies, potent healing properties and exquisite fragrance, Uttati offers pure essential oils of the highest...
The Flanagan Experiments
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THE FLANAGAN EXPERIMENTS Theatrical Trailer from Ken Sheetz on Vimeo. The Sedona International Film Festival is proud to partner with Sedona filmmaker Ken Sheetz to share the scientific genius of...
Why We Compost 100% of our Sacred Food Scraps
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Why we compost 100% of our sacred food scraps. AKA Holy's natural built-in revolution of ideas & nutrients of both spiritual & organic, earthly dimensions! "Along with the wild and...
Olinka Kombucha - Local Sedona Handmade Fermented Tea
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What is Kombucha? Kombucha is raw, fermented tea. It starts with organic tea and sugar which is combined with a SCOBY (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast), also called a “mother”. It...
"Peace Across the Planet" HolyDay Letter by Ahhmuse
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Happy Holydays friends and Peacemakers!!! We adore this time of year, especially Thanksgiving, which sits at the heart of all we offer. When we are immersed in gratitude, all miracles...
Why Quantum Nutrition Labs? Finest nutrients now!
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The Quantum Nutrition Affect We believe that when quantum-state nutrients, which are exquisitely well-grown and free of undesirable tagalongs (such as magnesium stearate, artificial colors, flavors and sweeteners) are combined together,...
Blue Glass Bottles - Available in our Marketplace
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Blue Glass Bottles - Available in our Marketplace! Why Blue Glass Bottles?When humans are surrounded by blue beauty or bathed in the deep blue color of cobalt blue glass we...
Amla Berry: Natures Nurse
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By Lotus Blooming Foods Amla Berry: The Next Trend in Superfoods Amla, also known as Indian Gooseberry, is a sour fruit that has seen use in Ayurveda for thousands of years. It...
Awildian Herbs - Now Available
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AWILDIAN HERBS - Mushroom Tinctures now available for medicinal purposes, in our marketplace in Sedona, at ChocolaTree! What is Awildian? AWILDIAN (ADJ.) : to refuse to be tamed, plant that grows without cultivation, in...
GMOs are making us sick, can organic foods heal us?
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If GMOs are making us sick, can organic foods heal us? “What the Food?” a docu-series. The first film in the series will focus on the recovery and addiction community in Prescott and Sedona, AZ.
Seasonal Reflections by Samantha Clark
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“Through celebrations in their seasons are the deeper powers of human nature realized.” ~ Rudolf Steiner Growing up, I had the privilege of experiencing a childhood where I had the opportunity...
Art of the Huichol Indians - Now Available in Sedona
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The Huichol Indians of the Sierra Madre Mountains of Mexico are known for their beautifully intricate yarn paintings and bead work. The Huichol are a small tribe of approximately 35,000 living...
What is Organic Wild Rice?
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Organic wild rice grows wild in the clear lakes of northern Minnesota and Canada. Wild Rice is not genetically modified, and has not been altered like some of the cultivated...