As you know, we consider ourselves stewards at ChocolaTree. With the sacred responsibility to uphold our vision.
We see a world of natural beauty where every child is born into their very own pristine garden paradise of clean air and pure waters.
Earlier this year I joined the board with Gardens for Humanity.
An organization that I have always admired and supported. Now I can support in greater ways and I am enthused to hear from our local friends regarding this question...
How can we embody the responsibility we have been given to care for all of life, more fully? Especially here in this sacred region of the world, that we call home, the Verde Valley ?
Gardens for Humanity’s mission is to develop and share our relationships with Humanity and Nature through gardening, art, and education.
What programs would you like to see GfH initiate, that you know will continue to support the Gardens for Humanity mission?
How can the local stewards of this pristine land support Our Mother Earth to ensure Her wisdom and divine origin is respected?
What role are you playing in this sacred responsibility that we are all given at our very birth, to revere all life as sacred?
How can others in the area support the programs and initiatives in place that uphold the rights and voice of Our Mother Earth first and foremost?
I would love to hear from you and ask you to reflect deeply upon this question. Then ask yourself what is the first step, and then take it.