The Hemp Seeds Conspiracy – Shining A Light on Hypocrisy
Believe it or not, industrial hemp seeds – a non-toxic, non-hallucinogen, are ILLEGAL to transport across state lines.
Why? Because it might grow plants that provide 30,000 products to benefit American citizens?
Why? Because it might create jobs which in turn improve our economy?
Why? Because it might help heal our soil and green-up the oil industry?
Heaven forbid we might actually benefit from the hemp seeds. This is insanity at its finest. The National Hemp Association is fighting across this country to break down misconceptions about hemp seed. It has been an uphill battle.
Look back in time – at the beginning of this country when hemp seeds were a primary crop that farmers grew in abundance. But then came big business who decided that hemp seeds represented competition to their plastics, oil and paper industries. And a small group of greedy men decided to band its growth in this country.
Making Hemp Seeds Legal in the US
This isn’t the first time that there has been an attempt to remove industrial hemp seeds from the umbrella of being categorized as a controlled substance:
Sixteen years ago, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) denied a petition that sought to unleash industrial hemp from the shackles of the Controlled Substances Act.
Had the 1998 petition been granted, cannabis plants containing little of the psychoactive ingredient THC—1 percent or less—would have been removed from the schedules of controlled substances, with the U.S. Department of Agriculture overseeing licensing of industrial hemp.
Now we are trying to dig ourselves out from under the hypocrisy so that farmers can once again plant and harvest hemp seeds without government interference.
Even in states where laws have been established making the growing of hemp seeds a legal enterprise, the government intervenes:
The DEA seized 250 pounds of hemp seeds in Kentucky. But the agency backed down after the state sued. Last year Kentucky universities and farmers planted 922 acres of hemp.
We need to come together and let the legal representatives of our country know that this is wrong. We need to overturn the national band on industrial hemp seeds in this country.
Join the Hemp Revolution. Educate yourself on the history of hemp seeds by downloading our free e-book, All About Hemp.