Kejiwa Frankincense and Myrrh Ormus

$ 80.00
Frankincense and Myrrh Ormus
Kejiwa Ormus elixir is a liquid of powerful minerals extracted from salt crystals that have absorbed solar & lunar light for around a million years. åÊThese sea salts contain a full bio-available spectrum of elemental mineral nutrition. åÊThrough our process, the mono-atomic minerals, which act like light particles, are condensed into nourishing liquid supplement form. It is creative energy in a bottle!
The gold rich third-eye activating Dead Sea salt was held sacred by the Egyptian priests, alchemists and by the Essenes (the healing tribe Jesus was born into whom had great foresight (intuitive powers) and clear karmic lineage (purity). Along with this rare exquisite distillation of lotus flower, this elixir gives an awakening sense of connectivity to the All as it sparkings & queens you with the thousand petal crown of cosmic creative consciousness.
Essential Oil: Aged Omani ‰ÛÏGreen Goddess‰ Frankincense and Myrrh
Intention and Primary Benefit: Activates the Brain & spiritual Pineal Gland and facilitates feelings ecstatic limitless possibilities in life.
These Ormus minerals are necessary to all life and bringing higher concentrations of this miraculous substance into your body results in more liveliness, light, and energy.
Ormus has the capability to uplift & assist brain function, boost energy, regenerate DNA, repair effects of aging, create longevity, enliven cells, support healthy tissue in the heart, boost the endocrine, immune & nervous systems, fight off pathogenic bacteria and viruses, and allow effective rejuvenating sleep as well as more vivid and lucid dreamtime.
You will have more energy for your body‰۪s natural wisdom to heal and experience your ultimate peak performance.
The effects are cumulative and enlightening. åÊKeeping a diary on your progress is recommended & we are open to inquiries always as you unfold your petals on this golden blossoming path of alchemy.
Ingredients:åÊSuper-conductive mono-atomic gold / silver / platinum group & other essential minerals (condensed from Dead Sea salt & Celtic Sea salt), Sedona spring & distilled water, blue lotus / pink lotus / white lotus flower essential oil, Amethyst gemstone essence, Organic birch bark extract, & the highest loving intent of light! ‰ÛÏThousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the single candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.‰ ~ Buddha
‰ÛÏCome fall in love with all of creation and all of creation will rise in love with you!‰ ~ Illup