Jnantik Mayan Coffee Alternative
$ 22.00
(Available in Single Cup, 8oz)
Experience the taste of coffee, chocolate, and cinnamon all in one super food beverage! High in Iron, protein, magnesium, copper, fiber, calcium and vitamins A, B, C, and E, this drink is ideal for anybody looking for a health boost. Unlike the acidifying effects and the energetic up and downs of coffee, it helps to alkalize your body and has a subtle and lasting energy boost.
The Maya Nut is harvested from the Maya Tree that grows in Mexico and South and Central America. This particular blend was ecologically wild harvested by women from an indigenous Mayan community in the mountains of Jalisco, Mexico and roasted and ground with love. The ancient Mayans survived on this super food in times of famine. It can be used in anything from tortillas, bread, drinks, smoothies to ice cream! Brew, sip, enjoy and reap the benefits of this magnificent Mayan super food!