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Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie

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Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie

Inspired from the book "Rainbow Green Live Food Cuisine" by Gabriel Cousins. NOTE: No peanut butter in this recipe.


2 C pecans, soaked

1/2 C raisins, soaked

2 TB mesquite pod meal

2 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp nutmeg

Process all ingredients in a food processor with the S blade until a dough-like consistency is obtained. Press into a 9' glass pie pan and refrigerate for 1 hour.

FILLING (Layer 1: Sweet "Peanut" Butter)

1 C raw Chocolatree almond butter

1/2 C water

1/2 C raisins, soaked

2 tsp pink salt

Process all ingredients in a blender including the soak water until creamy. Spread mixture into pie pan.

FILLING (Layer 2: Chocolate Sauce)

1 C raw cacao powder

4 black olives

1 C water

1/2 C olive oil

1/2 C raisins, soaked

1 TB mesquite pod meal

1 tsp Spirulina

1/2 tsp pink salt

Process all ingredients in a blender including soak water until creamy. Pour sauce over peanut butter. Retain 1/2 cup

FILLING (Layer 3: Coconut Cream)

1 C coconut cream

1 C coconut water

1/4 C raisins, soaked

1 TB mesquite pod meal

1 tsp Pink Salt

Process all ingredients in a blender including the soak water until creamy. Pour 2 C of coconut cream over the Chocolate sauce layer.

Pour 1/2 C Chocolate sauce into the center of the pie in a circular shape. Using a chopstick, slowly swirl the sauce into a spiral shape. Dust with cacao powder and refrigerate for 1 hour before serving.


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