Mystic Art Medicine Cards

$ 35.00
These beautiful oracle cards feature the inspired painting of Cher Lyn. 60 4" x 6" cards with 158 page illustrated booklet.
The Mystic Art Medicine Cards carry the potential to awaken the intuitive nature of your soul. The thought provoking images, imbued with codes, initiate seeds to awaken memories instilled deep within your DNA, memories of your inherent nature.
Illustrator and author Cher Lyn, is a mystical Visionary Artist, who has developed her own unique style, painting in daily dedication since 1986.
"Much of my lifetimes work I share from my experiential moments. Medicine of magic and transformation, these cards are a self-empowering Tool to reveal what one already knows within." --Cher Lyn
Inca-trained shaman, thrice ordained by the Andean mountain spirits. I have been using Cher Lys Mystic Medicine Cards the same way Inca shamans use coca leaves - to communicate with and receive guidance from my spirit guides. I do it every day. The results have been truly magical. I feel as connected to my spirit guides at my home in Hawaii as I did when I was in Peru. I can also do it from anywhere in the world - as long as I have my Mystic Medicine Cards with me. I don't know what I would do without them.--BD