Aloe Arborescens

Aloe Arborescens
$ 74.00
Aloe Arborescens Health Formula
(16 fl. oz.)
The Original and ONLY Formula Endorsed by Father Romano Zago
Supreme Immune Health Formula is made using the Brazilian recipe internationally acclaimed by Father Romano Zago. This Brazilian recipe consists of whole leaf Aloe arborescens liquid, unheated raw honey, and 1% certified organic alcohol. The product aids the body's defenses by supplying supreme immune support and general cleansing for the whole body for those who want to achieve optimal health and increase energy and vitality. This Aloe Arborescens immune formula is a proprietary blend manufactured by Deca Aloe Arborescens U.S. LP.
Our Aloe is produced from 5-year old Italian Aloe arborescens plants harvested at the proper time, processed by grinding the whole leaf without heating, cold pressing or freeze drying in order to retain all the active glucomannan polysaccharides (4%), such as mannose (2 ml per serving) to guarantee maximum effectiveness in immune system support.* It also contains unheated, raw, pesticide-free honey (6.4 g per serving) and 1% certified organic alcohol for the purest and most effective absorption when taken short or long term.
Immune System Boost
Our aloe recipe has become well known for its significant impact on the health of different bodily functions. The nutrients in aloe arborescens are proven immune system boosters and much more. Below is a list of the general benefits that have been repeatedly documented.
Key Benefits of our Aloe Arborescens formula:
- Optimal Immune function fortification and rejuvenation support for a healthy and vital immune system. **
- Promotes healthy blood and gentle whole body cleansing of toxicity from pathogens, heavy metals and chemicals. **
- Stimulates macrophage (natural killer cell [NKC] activity of white blood cells) that ingest and destroy viruses, bacteria and disregulated cells. **
Recommended Product Use Guidelines
Recommended Use: Use product for 10 days, then discontinue for 10 days and repeat cycle indefinitely as needed. For special use take daily indefinitely.
Adults: Age 12 and Older One tablespoon 3 times daily (breakfast, lunch, dinner) 20 minutes before each meal.
Children 6-12 years of age: One tablespoon twice daily, 20 minutes before mealtime.n
Children under 6 years of age: Consult your healthcare provider.
**Legal Notice / Disclaimer The information provided within this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from a physician or other health care professional. A health care professional should be consulted before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent any disease.