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ChocolaTree Gift Card - Sedona Location (Physical card)


ChocolaTree Organic Oasis

$ 20.00

Would you like to share the Chocolatree experience with somebody you know near Sedona? Now you can give the gift of Chocolatree to anyone. Simply buy a gift card and send it to someone special. They will be able to come in to our Sedona location and use it for any menu items or marketplace purchases.

Please let us know if you would like us to mail it to someone besides you. If this is part of a larger purchase, we can mail the card separately to whoever you like. PLEASE let us know when you place the order. If you want the card sent to you, and you will send it to the intended recipient, please say "Send the card to me" just so we know for sure.

For gift certificates to our online store, CLICK HERE.

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