Girish Chant Workshop
Wednesday February 14th 3-5pm
Girish's two-hour chanting immersion is for anyone seeking to bring the bliss of Sanskrit chanting into daily life or to deepen an existing chanting practice. You'll explore several of the most powerful Sanskrit mantras and offer practical guidance on integrating them into your yoga, meditation, or pranayama practice. No previous experience necessary!
Suggested Donation $45 prepay -$50 at the door
Intimate Kirtan with Girish
Thursday February 15th 5:30-7pm
Girish, an accomplished musician of many genres, former monk infused in spiritual practice, loving wordsmith linking lyrics and rhythm in a blissful musical event, sings traditional Sanskrit mantras with a modern, funky, yet deeply devotional twist. Accompanied by his amazing band, Girish invites his audience at his kirtan concert to participate by singing along, call and response chanting, and dancing. Girish has been recommended and featured in "O, The Oprah Magazine", "Yoga Journal" "Spirituality and Health Magazine", "LA Yoga Magazine", "Common Ground" and "Yogi Times." Girish's original music catalog of five albums is popular in yoga studios and music festivals all over the world, and his "Mantras and Music" book will be published by Simon and Schuster January 2016.
@girishmusic will be appearing at ChocolaTree on February 14th & 15th.
Experience the yoga of singing for health, happiness, peace & prosperity with Girish live.
Suggested donation $30 prepay - $35 at the door